Great solutions are powered by reliable support.
One Fixed Rate, Total Support. Streamline your development workflows with our Cloud Covered. Meet the experts who keep everything running seamlessly.
Get Started Today
Our Cloud Covered package covers the essentials with world-class support, all for a predictable monthly cost to keep things running smoothly.
With our all-inclusive package, we handle your essentials—and we’re ready to customize based on your needs. Here is whats included for $250/month per account:
Monthly Reporting
Real Time Alerts
Slack Support
Each month, we will review your infrastructure based on the Well-Architected Framework controls, focusing on the three most impactful pillars: cost, performance, and security.
We will provide detailed reports and set up real-time alerts to track key metrics; including costs and budgets, security/API activity, and application availability, ensuring that your cloud environment stays optimized and secure.
One Fixed Rate, Total Support. Streamline your development workflows with our Cloud Covered. Meet the experts who keep everything running seamlessly.